
Top Piece

Kamis, 27 Januari 2011


Pertama saya mungkin akan edit entri ini lagi

Waktu itu gw baru selesai sholat magrib di Smp Soedirman dan bertemu teman saya 'sasa'[1] setelah jalan, dikit lagi nyampe kanopi tiba-tiba ada seorang perempuan[2] bilang ke gw "eh tolong ambilin tas saya dong" trus saya jawab "dimana ?" "di laki2 yang pake jaket abu2" lalu gw dan Sasa berjalan kearah laki2[3] tersebut yang ada di tempat wudhu pria gw lihat tas nya 'ohh bener tas nya tas cw' pikir gw , gw blang ke sasa 'sa lu jagain yang kearah sana dah' sambil nunjuk arah keluar mejelis dan parkir motor. trus gw jagain di tempat arah kemesjid . gw panggil dah tu cw bukan pke suara tapi pke tangan . tus tu cw dateng pas gw suruh samperin tuh cowo dia gak berani . trus gw awasin dah tu cowo, gue ngasih tau lutfi[4] dan rifki[5] mereka ban tuin gw trus gw ngomong lagi ama cw nya "tas nya yang kayak gimana" trus dia jwb bener , gw yakin , bistu gw kasih tw pak ahmadi[6]  "pa' liat orang baju ungu dan ada angka 2 nya di lengan nya gak pa'" "liat kenapa?" rifki "dia ngambil tas orang pa" "ohh mana orang nya" trus pas gw telusur sekeliling tw nya dia ada dipintu deket situ "tuh orang nya" trus pak ahmadi ngasih tw ke temen nya jadilah urusan orang dewasa. tapi gak secepet itu ,gw lang sung lari ke rafi[7]  "fi tar klo lu liat orang pke baju ungu jaket abu2 dan dia bawa tas cw kejar" "kenapa gw?" "karna lu eye-shield" trus gw balik lagi ke mesjid ternyata cowa nya bilang klo dia  pacar nya si cw nya tapi tas tetep belum balik . 

setelah agak lama  diskusi si cowo cabut bawa tas si cw 'wah gak bener' itu kesan gw klo gak salah desekitar tu cw ada rifki , lutfi , adiasa kayak nya cabut dan beberapa anak smp lain-nya . trus anak2 smp pada ngikutin si cowo sampe ke parkiran dan gw liat muka cw nya kayak nya pasrah banget campur sedih . si rifki yang paling 'semangat' trus pas diparkiran cowo-nya mo naik motor tapi di cegat dia bilang "eh sekatang lu bawa tu cw kesini , gw gak akan kabur" trus disana ada faiz[8] naqib [9] ama anak smp lain nya sory klo gw lupa . pada ribut siapa yang manggil cw nya . gw bilang "eh rifki lutfi lu panggil dah" . tapi abis mereka kagak ada si cowo bilang ke pa andhika[10] ama satpam1[11] "orang gw wali murid nya apa masalah anda ?"  "lu pikir gw maling ? gw bukan maling" katanya ke anak2 "lu anak kecil tau apa?!" "woi santai dong kan cuma jaga-jaga" faiz bales "gw juga pernah dikira maling! tapi gw biasa aja!" trus si faiz ,trus gw nyusul manggil cw nya 

pas di mesjid gw ditelpon bapak gw[12]  "eh pulang ibu nanyain nih" "iya entar sabar" jwb gw . bis-tu gw liat cw nya uah jalan ama orang mesjid[13]  trus gw bilangin aja "udah sekarang omongin aja jangan takut banyak anak2 pada ikutan" ke cw nya , dia gak jawab setelah tu cw ngobrol ama cowo . si cw terlihat dimarahin ama cowo nya trus si satpam bilang "udah2 ini masalah pribadi" setelah si cw di bonceng tas dan HP belum dibalikin tapi ditaro di dalem jaket si cowo dak yau diri itu B_ _T_ _D !!!!! kesel gw orang2 smp yang ikut juga pada kesel 

setelah gak ada pengen nya sih gw kejar tapi apa daya 2kaki melawan 2 roda ada yang mo ngejer pke motor tapi dah gak keliatan S_ _LLLLL !!!!!!!!   si rifki dan faiz pali kesel . eh tau nya dateng si Firas[14] pah lawan kemaleman "eh satpam yang sono percaya tapi dia bilang 'ahh kenapa gak dari tadi saya kejardah' yaa udah telat" "S_ _LAN ! tuh satpam(1) udah jelas salah A_ _ _NG!" bales faiz tapi gw pikir 'hah orang nya udah gak ada mo ngapain' akhir nya ge ke 'mekdi' bareng temen2 sambil menyesali 'kenapa tadi gak di hajar aja tu cowo' dan 'kasian cw nya tar klo di usir, dibuang, dan di yaa yang lain yang buruk aaarrrrrgggghhhhh !!!!!!!' 
bis-tu makan dah ngisi tenaga karena tadi jegat2 dan lari2 juga 

1.hi sa Pak-bar ? klo ada salah kata maap
2. gw gak tau namanya tapi dia sedikit pendek dari gw , krudung dan baju coklat pola semoga selamet
3. si kurang ajar ciri2 = ya tinggi senopal tapi kurus kulit putih
4.hi lut Pak-bar ? klo ada salah kata maap 
5. hi ki Pak-bar ? klo ada salah kata maap 
6 pak ahmadi maaf kalau ada salah
7. hi fi Pak-bar ? klo ada salah kata maap 
8. Hi faiz sory klo salah, kasih tw yang bener :p 
9. naqib gak berperan lu!
10 pak thaks repling nya lancar
11. woi jadi satpam yang tegas jangan gak mo tau
12. assalammualaikum pak maaf kalau ada kata nyang gak berkenan komen aja
13.maaf kalau ada salah kata (nih orang pernah gw kenal)
14. Andai kau lebih cepat 
dan kepada orang2 yang lain saya minta maap klo ada kesalahan

Selasa, 25 Januari 2011

Lirik Dan Chords Andai aku jadi gayus

Chord Bona Paputungan Andai aku jadi gayus

Author : Fadel nuariko
[Intro] G

11 Maret
Diriku masuk penjara
Awal ku menjalani
Proses masa tahanan

Hidup di penjara
Sangat berat kurasakan
Badanku kurus
Karena beban pikiran

Kita orang yang lemah
Tak punya daya apa-apa
Tak bisa berbuat banyak
Seperti para koruptor

Andai Ku Gayus Tambunan
Yang bisa bisa pergi ke Bali
Semua keinginannya
Pasti bisa terpenuhi

Lucunya di negeri ini
Hukuman bisa dibeli
Kita orang yang lemah
Pasrah akan keadaan

Melodi : Em Bm C G 
         Em Bm C G 

7 Oktober
kubebas dari penjara
Menghirup udara segar
Lepaskan penderitaan

Wahai saudara
Dan para sahabatku
Lakukan yang terbaik
Jangan engkau salah arah

Andai Ku Gayus Tambunan
Yang bisa bisa pergi ke Bali
Semua keinginannya
Pasti bisa terpenuhi

Lucunya di negeri ini
Hukuman bisa dibeli
Kita orang yang lemah
Pasrah akan keadaan

Biarlah semua menjadi kenangan
Kenangan yang pahit
dGalam hidup ini

Andai Ku Gayus Tambunan
Yang bisa bisa pergi ke Bali
Semua keinginannya
Pasti bisa terpenuhi

Lucunya di negeri ini
Hukuman bisa dibeli
Kita orang yang lemah
Pasrah akan keadaan
Dari (


AK-47 (singkatan dari Avtomat Kalashnikova 1947,
AK-47 (data di bawah untuk AK-47 Tipe 1)
AK-47 Tipe 2. Ini adalah varian pertama yang menggunakan receiver tipe machined.
AK-47 Tipe 2, varian pertama yang memakai receiver tipe machined.
Tipe Senapan serbu
Negara asal Uni Soviet
Sejarah pemakaian
Masa penggunaan 1949
Digunakan oleh Uni Soviet, banyak lainnya
Sejarah produksi
Perancang Mikhail Kalashnikov
Tahun 1947
Jumlah produksi Di atas 100 juta[1]
Varian Lihat Varian
Berat 4,3 kg
Panjang 870 mm (34¼ inci)
Panjang Laras 415 mm (16,3 inci)

Magazen 7,62 x 39 mm
Mekanisme Operasi gas, bolt berputar
Rata² tembakan 600 butir/menit
Kecepatan peluru 710 m/s
Jarak efektif 300 m
Amunisi Magazen box 30 butir,
Magazen box RPK 40 butir,
Magazen drum RPK 75 butir
Alat bidik Bidikan besi
Di ambil dari (

Lapan Makin Yakin Crop Circle di Sleman Buatan Manusia

Jakarta - Setelah turun ke lokasi, tim Lapan semakin yakin crop circle di Berbah, Sleman adalah buatan manusia. Sejumlah tanda-tanda telah ditemukan tim di lokasi crop circle yang menghebohkan.

"Dengan bukti-bukti yang kita temukan hari ini, kita semakin yakin bahwa ini memang buatan manusia," kata Kepala Pusat Pemanfaatan Sains Antarika Lapan Sri Kaloka dalam jumpa pers di lokasi, Berbah, Sleamn, Selasa (25/1/2011).

Menurut Sri Kaloka, beberapa tanda yang ditemukan adalah adanya lubang di tengah pola crop circle. Lubang itu diduga dijadikan titik untuk menancapkan tonggak untuk membuat lingkaran.

"Ada juga bekas sibakan padi menuju lubang tersebut. Sibakan ini menjadi tempat si pembuat menuju lubang tersebut. Ini menunjukkan ada yang masuk ke situ," kata Sri Kaloka.

Selain itu, tanda yang meyakinkan lainnya adalah adanya patok-patok kayu yang memang sudah terpasang sebelumnya. Patok-patok itu tidak roboh, sehingga membuktikan tidak ada sesuatu yang menekan keras dari atas.

Sejak awal, Lapan telah menyakini crop circle itu buatan manusia. Bahkan awalnya, tim Lapan tidak ingin mengirimkan tim ke lokasi. Namun akhirnya karena menghebohkan, tim dari Bandung pun diturunkan juga.

Sementara itu polisi sempat meyakini crop circle itu bukan buatan manusia. Hal itu karena polisi tidak menemukan satupun tanda-tanda bekas sentuhan tangan manusia.

Di ambil dari (

Minggu, 23 Januari 2011

Ingin Akhiri Minggu ini

saya baru aja bangun dari tidur siang , trus langsung ada azan , trus wdhu dan sholat . setelah itu saya main computer dan nonton 'Nat Geo' breakout the texsas seven tanpa terasa magrib tiba saya sholat bareng adek selepas sholat adek ku ngajakin main duel master tentunya saya menang hehehe (pis) setelah beberapa kali menang saya pun selesai kan kewajiban sholat isya

setelah itu bapak saya suruh saya belajar saya pun teringat tugas 'repot' yang diberikan di sekolah kesempatan kebetulan harus di computer merdeka kukerjakan tuh tugas sambil ganti ganti HTTP blog ini hihihi untungnya tersamar karna sebenar nya blog ni juga adalah tugas sekaligus "kesenangan" , ditengah pekerjaan perut pun melolong lapar !!!!!!! untung nya gw bisa masak tapi pertama lihat keadaan si bos rumah dulu ^_^ : tempremen : baik - Tanda2 ngantuk : hehehe cek - lagi nonton TV : perhatian teralihkan  AMAN ini bukan berarti gw gak boleh masak tapi lagi lemes kalo tar nyiapin buat semua "hehehe jangan tersinggung ya pak"
setelah semua matang + kopi anget buat jaga kondisi kebetulan abis bantuin derek mobil jadi takut cape trus ngantuk = wassalam waktu makan (ngomong2 kok agak konyol ya?)

bis tu lanjutkan deh ngerjain hahhhh males tapi ya mau gimana lagi . setelah semua selesai "alhamdulillah terima kasih ya ALLAH"(kata2 terima kasih ya ALLAH terinspirasi dari si pembuat tugas) hahhhh pejam kan mata dan !!!!!!!! oh iya belum di kirim ke pak-nur (kepala sekolah) hmm langsnyung kubuka E-Mail ku kirim nih tugas sekali lagi semua selesai "alhamdulillah terima kasih ya ALLAH"  hahhhh pejam kan mata dan !!!!!!!! oh iya belum nger-jain IPS hahh tapi males ahh setelah semua selesai "alhamdulliah" mungkin cukup.... "untuk sekarang mendingan ku tulis di blog ahh " lalu kutulis deh ni cerita

Catatan : kayak nya konyol giniaja diceritain ah sudah lah yang penting ini masih bagian dari piece of my brain

Orang 2 dalam cerita ini mohon maaf kan saya bila ada kata yang kurang berkenan

Kamis, 20 Januari 2011


Cheat AOE 2 Age Of Empire
Cheat Effect
cheese steak jimmy's 1000 Food
robin hood 1000 Gold
rock on 1000 Stone
lumberjack 1000 wood
aegis Build Fast
how do you turn this on Cobra Car
wimpywimpywimpy Commit Suicide
natural wonders Control the Animals
marco Full Map
resign Instant Lose
i r winner Instant Victory
black death Kill All Opponents
torpedo(1-8) Kill Indicated Opponent (Check what slot number they're in)
polo No Shadows
to smithereens Saboteur Unit
I love the monkey head A VDML man will appear at your Town Center
!mute Will not hear any taunts
!nomute Undoes the !mute code
furious the monkey boy Furious the Monkey Boy

Semangat dukung gerakan anti korupsi

Jadilah generasi baru yang jujur sebagai mana Rosul Allah bergelar Al-Amin (orang yang terpecaya) karna kejujurannya
Jadilah generasi baru anti bahing dan anti korupsi
Semangati orang2 disekitar untuk berlaku jujur

Rabu, 19 Januari 2011


Sebagai makhluk yang oleh Allah SWT ditetapkan sebagai pengelola alam, manusia dikaruniai kemampuan untuk dapat memanfaatkan alam sekelilingnya  dengan cara-cara tertentu yang kita namakan teknologi, yaitu dengan mempergunakan hukum-hukum alam atau peraturan yang digariskan oleh Sang Pencipta untuk diikuti seluruh alam, artinya menerapkan ilmu kauniah yang telah disusun dan dikuasai sebagai akibat dari pemeriksaan terhadap sifat dan kelakukan alam itu sendiri dengan menggunakan akal dan pikiran sebagaimana yang diperintahkan Allah SWT.

Sebaiknya pelajaran sains harus disajikan dengan memperhatikan esensi ajaran agama Islam yang kitab sucinya mengandung ayat-ayat yang mendorong umatnya untuk berpikir kritis serta menggunakan penalaran yang rasional, dan mengajarkan sains secara garis besar, baik mengenai penciptaan alam semesta maupun makhluk hidup serta evolusinya. Semoga Allah SWT memberkahi kita  semua dalam usaha memahami kebesaran-Nya dalam penciptaan alam semesta, amin …

Jumat, 14 Januari 2011

Kamis, 13 Januari 2011

My Speed Deck DM

Deadly Fighter Braid Claw = 8
Burning Power = 2
Pangaea’s Song = 1
Mini Titan Gett = 3
Immortal Baron, Vorg = 5
Brawler Zyler = 2
Crimson Hammer = 2
Fatal Attacker Horvath = 1
Dogarn, the Marauder = 2
Armored Gannon Balbaro = 2
Armored Walker Urherion = 2
Rothus, the Traveler = 2
Stonesaur = 3
Galsaur = 1
Draglide = 1
Tornado Flame = 2
Metalwing Skyterror = 1

Duel Masters

simple game with simple win and some rule
SetupEdit Setup section
Both players do these things to set up for a game:
  • Shuffle your deck.
  • Take 5 cards from the top of your deck, but don’t look at them. Put them in a row in front of you face down. These face-down cards become your shields.
  • Draw 5 cards from the top of your deck.
  • Decide who goes first by a coin toss or a dice roll.

How to WinEdit How to Win section

Attack your opponent with your creatures. Each time one of your creatures attack’s your opponent and isn’t blocked, it breaks a shield. When your opponent has no shields left, have one of your creatures attack him one more time to win!

Turn OrderEdit Turn Order section

1. Start your turn.
Don’t do anything during this step of your turn if you don’t have any “tapped” creatures in the battle zone or tapped cards in your mana zone. Tapped cards are cards that you turned sideways on a previous turn to show you used them for something. You won’t usually have any tapped cards until you have already played a couple turns of the game. If you have any tapped cards, untap them now to show that you get to use those cards again this turn.
2. Draw a card.
Important! Only the person who plays first skips drawing a card on his first turn. Drawing a card means taking it from the top of your deck and putting it into your hand. As soon as you draw the last card of your deck, you lose.
3. Put 1 card into your mana zone.
You can put only 1 card (of any type) into your mana zone from your hand each turn, unless a spell or effect allows you to put more. You don’t have to put a card into your mana zone each turn if you don’t want to. There’s no limit to the number of cards you can have in your mana zone.
Put the card into your mana zone upside down so you can read its mana number. Cards in your mana zone can get mana for you. Mana is like money. You use it to pay for creatures and spells. Important! Cards in your mana zone can’t do anything but give you mana. Ignore all the text on them except for their mana numbers.
4. Summon creatures and cast spells.
If you want to, you can summon any number of creatures and cast any number of spells during this step. You can do these things in any order.
5. Attack with your creatures
You can attack with your creatures in the battle zone. You can’t attack with creatures you just put into the battle zone this turn, because they have summoning sickness. As many of your creatures as you want can attack each turn. Choose one, have it attack, choose another one, have that one attack, and so on.
6. End your turn.
Tell your opponent you’re done. Now it’s your opponent’s turn! Continue taking turns until one of you wins.

Playing a cardEdit Playing a card section

How to cast a spellEdit How to cast a spell section

Choose a spell from your hand. The cost for a spell is in the upper left corner. If you can’t pay the cost, you can’t cast the spell. You pay a spell’s cost by tapping cards in your mana zone for mana. At least 1 of the mana must be the same civilization as the spell. Example: To cast a nature spell that costs 4, tap at least 1 nature card in your mana zone. The other 3 cards you tap may be of any civilization.
After you pay for a spell, do what it says. If you can’t do everything it says, that’s okay. Just do as much as you can. Then put the spell into your graveyard. Keep your graveyard face up next to your deck.

How to summon a creatureEdit How to summon a creature section

Choose a creature from your hand. The cost for a creature is in the upper left corner. If you can’t pay the cost, you can’t summon the creature. You pay a creature’s cost by tapping cards in your mana zone for mana. At least 1 of the mana must be the same civilization as the creature. After you pay for a creature, put it into the battle zone. There’s no limit to the number of creatures you can have in the battle zone. Creatures can’t attack on the turn you put them into the battle zone because they have Summoning Sickness. They will be able to attack on your next turn.

How to summon an evolution creatureEdit How to summon an evolution creature section

An evolution creature is a special kind of creature that was introduced in DM-02 Evo-Crushinators of Doom. Summoning an evolution creature works just like summoning a regular creature except you can summon an evolution creature only when you have the correct race of creature already in the battle zone. The evolution creature tells you what race of creature you need to have.
Once you summon an evolution creature, put it on top of the creature it “evolves” from. Leave that creature underneath the evolution creature, but ignore it. Only the evolution creature’s name, abilities, color, and power are important. Evolution creatures don’t get summoning sickness even if the creature they evolved from had summoning sickness, so you can attack immediately after you put them into the battle zone. There’s no limit to the number of evolution creatures you can put on top of each other.
If an evolution creature is moved from the battle zone to anywhere else, then the whole pile moves, not just the evolution creature on top. As long as the evolution creature is in play, it and the card it evolved from count as only one card. As soon as the pile ends up somewhere other than the battle zone, they are separate cards again. So if a spell makes you put your evolution creature into your mana zone, you get that many separate cards in your mana zone.

How to summon an vortex evolution creatureEdit How to summon an vortex evolution creature section

A vortex-evolution is a special type of creature. It is similar to an evolution creature but unlike an evolution creature, it requires 2 creatures to evolve from. The card text states which races the vortex-evolution requires to evolve from. You need to have at least one creature of both those races in the battle zone to summon a vortex evolution creature. Once you have a creature from each of those races, put one of those creatures on top of the other and while summoning the vortex-evolution, put it on top of that stack.
For example if you want to summon an Aura Pegasus, Avatar of Life, you need to have at least one Horned Beast and one Angel Command in the battle zone. Once you have a Horned Beast and an Angel Command in the battle zone and you also have the requires mana to summon Aura Pegasus, Avatar of Life, put the Horned Beast on top of the Angel Command and while summoning Aura Pegasus, Avatar of Life place it on top of the stack.
Remember that if the Vortex-evolution creature is from 2 different civilizations, you need to tap at least one mana of the same colour as each of those civilizations. For example while summoning Aura Pegasus, Avatar of Life, you need to tap at least one Nature and one Light mana to summon it.

How to generate or cross a cross gearEdit How to generate or cross a cross gear section

A cross gear is neither a creature nor a spell, but instead functions like an “equip” card. Cross gears are generated by paying their cost, but they don’t give any abilities then unless stated otherwise. Cross gears remain in the battle zone, even when the creature it was crossed onto is destroyed.
To “equip” a creature with a cross gear, “cross” the cross gear by paying its mana cost a second time after it has been generated, and select the creature to be crossed with. The creature will then gain the abilities as listed on the cross gear. A crossed cross gear can also be transferred to another creature by paying its mana cost again. There is no limit on the number of cross gears that can be crossed onto a single creature.
Some cross gears have “Shield Trigger X” abilities. When put into your hand from the shield zone, you can generate the cross gear and cross it onto one of your creatures immediately at no cost.

How to generate or cross a FortressEdit How to generate or cross a Fortress section

A Fortress allows players to “cross” the fortress to a shield in a similar fashion as a Cross Gear. A fortress card gains its ability after it is attached to the shield while the shield is still in play, some later Fortresses protect the attached from being destroyed in exchange for other shield. Unlike Cross Gear’s, Fortresses do not need to pay their mana cost twice like a Cross Gear and are “equipped” onto the shields directly after being played.

Attacking your opponentEdit Attacking your opponent section

Tap a creature you want to attack with and say what you want it to attack. It can attack your opponent or one of his tapped creatures in the battle zone. When a creature taps to attack, you don’t have to tap cards in your mana zone, too. Once you’ve paid to summon a creature, you don’t have to pay to have it attack.
When one of your creatures attacks your opponent and it isn’t blocked, it “breaks” one of your opponent’s shields. That means you choose one of those shields. Your opponent then picks up that shield and puts it into his hand.
When your opponent has no shields left, if one of your creatures attacks him one more time, you win the game. Some creatures can break more than one shield when they hit your opponent. They say “double breaker.” Important! If your opponent has fewer shields than your attacking creature can break, your creature doesn’t knock out your opponent, just however many shields are left.

Attacking a tapped creatureEdit Attacking a tapped creature section

When one of your creatures attacks one of your opponent’s tapped creatures in the battle zone and it isn’t blocked, then the creatures battle.
Each creature has a power number in its lower left corner. The creature with the higher power wins the battle. The loser’s owner puts it into his graveyard. If the creatures have the same power number, then both creatures go to their owners’ graveyards. Some creatures have “+” after their power. This means that the creature’s power can get bigger because of something in the creature’s text box. Make sure to read what it says!

Effects when attackingEdit Effects when attacking section

When you want one of your creatures to attack, choose which creature you want to attack with, tap it, and choose what it’s attacking. Then do any effects that happen because that creature is attacking. After that, your opponent can choose blockers.

Blocking an attackEdit Blocking an attack section

Only creatures with the “blocker” ability can get in the way to stop creatures from attacking what the attacking player wants them to attack.
You can use one of your “blocker” creatures to stop any attack. When your creature blocks, you have to tap it, so it can block only if it’s untapped. Summoning sickness doesn’t stop a creature from being able to block.
When a creature blocks, it battles the attacking creature. The attacking creature can’t attack what it was going to attack (your opponent or another creature), because it must now battle the blocker.
The creature with the higher power wins the battle. The other creature’s owner puts it into his graveyard. If the creatures have the same power, then both creatures go to their owners’ graveyards. Some creatures have “+” after their power. This means the creature’s power can get bigger because of something in the creature’s text box. Make sure to read what it says!

Order of attack stepsEdit Order of attack steps section

What happens first can sometimes matter during an attack. The following rules talk about the order in which things happen.
When you tap your creature to attack your opponent, do any effects that say they happen “when this creature attacks.” Then, if your opponent doesn’t block, follow any other instructions on your creature that apply. Then break shields (or win if no shields are left).
When two creatures battle, first follow any instructions on your creature that apply. Then your opponent follows any instructions on his creature that apply. Then compare the powers of the two creatures. If one creature’s power is lower, put it in its owner’s graveyard. If the powers are the same, put both creatures in their owners’ graveyards. Then follow any card instructions that apply after the battle.